The highly anticipated film adaptation from Tyler Perry of the stage-play For Colored Girls, will be released nationwide in the UK on December 10th 2010.

[Thanks London Diva]

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33 replies »

  1. For sure i will see this movie can’t wait until it comes out in November here in Chicago. But i do expect to hear so many of our people bitching and complaining about what they didn’t like about the movie…instead of walking away from the movie with the message it was trying to convey. Like so many did when Precious came out… We must support our Black movies….or they will disappear. Hey any have an idea of how i can get the movie Shank? I need a copy that will play on an american dvd player….

  2. I’m a Tyler Perry fan and support his films. I’ll be seeing this regardless. I agree with Moreno, people will be bitching, the same way they did with Precious. They want TP to movies in a way they see fit. Don’t like it, don’t watch, but no one is asking where the other black film makers are.

  3. Pple complained abt Precious bse it was done by a black gay man, a big black dark skinned girl, played with all kinds of ‘stereotypes’, and then apparently went on 2 be nominated 4 oscars, hence being awarded 4 only ‘bad roles’. We’ve reached a point where we can be our own worst enemies and don’t want 2 do anything about it.;-)

  4. People complained about Precious because they wanted to complain!!!! Simple! Basically there is no pleasing Black folks! If you don’t have any Black on Tv or the big screen….we are bitching. The movie Precious was about something that happens in out community all too often…. It is what it is… I don’t understand why we are in such denial about what happens in our community. Why is it that when we do see a movie like Precious…we can’t just walk away with what is being taught! It happens…shed some light on it is great in my opinion… Do i want to see movies like this all the time…no! But hey… The actor were awarded because they did an outstanding job… Not because they were Black ….and making us Black folks look bad…. Hell stereotypes are everywhere you look…so lets get over that… and just receive the message…. Yeah we can be our own worst enemies…. He is a gay Black man….get over it! She is a big Black woman…get over that… But i would love to see us portrayed in a better light…but it will happen. In closing…i will say…if anyone can do better…then shoot for it…i will go out and see it… As Londondiva said….”Don’t like it, don’t watch, but no one is asking where the other black film makers are.”

  5. Moreno I get what you’re saying but there were valid reasons for people complaining. Namely how easily a good Black movie showing us in a positive light gets bypassed yet a good Black movie showing us as dysfunctional gets all the publicity and praise.

  6. SooperWoman…i do understand and you’re right. I guess for me i try to look at it differently. Meaning i try not to look in everyway…and i’m not being fair to myself. But i do appreciate you pointing that out to me…thanks you. I sometimes want to see the best in our people. I want to not look at what they could have done better…just because i want to give them praise for just doing something. But that’s not it….it is and has always been bigger than just that…. so thank you. Oh so you know i saw the movie twice this past! One with my Girlfriend and friends. Then with my 3 brothers and 2 sisters… i really enjoyed it. It is so worth seeing because so muc in the movie is true. And so much you will happen that you don’t expect to happen….check it out when it comes to the UK.

  7. To be honest, when i see other people being portrayed in a good light, sometimes i shake my head and don’t with it alot. Because when i walk out that cinema and face life, and see that what is really on the ground is different from what is on screen, i smh. But that is just me. It depends on how you see it sometimes. Some of it is just too wishy washy anyway and does not stimulate the mind, eg bloody shopaholic.

  8. Ooooh this is a long one from me:

    Why does it have to be such an issue? Some of the biggest Oscar nominated/winning movies (non-black) have dark characters who live dysfunctional/depressing lives.

    Charlize Theron was raped and a prostitute serial killer in Monster.
    Jodie Foster was gang raped in The Accused.
    Hilary Swank was a girl living as boy who was raped and beaten in a true life biopic in Boys Don’t Cry.
    Mickey Rourke was a down and out has been fighter, who lived a bleak lonely life in The Wrestler.
    Tom Cruise was a amputee ex army vet in Born on the 4th of July.

    Fact is these movies get the buzz because they require a certain depth from the actors which usually inspire stellar performances.

    We ARE shown in a good light and have been more so since the Set It Off, Menace, New Jack City, Boyz in da Hood days, the only issue is we LITERALLY have one person churning out the movies TYLER PERRY in Hollywood and all the others have gone to sleep, but wake up twice a year to criticize his work. Spike Lee, Mario Van Peebles, The Hughes Brothers, Malcolm D Lee etc if they’ve made films in the last few years I’m none the wiser.

    But’s lets face it, The Wood, The Brothers, Love Jones etc where we weren’t all homeless, drug taking, prostituting, criminals are NOT Oscar worthy, nor do they generate the buzz outside of our own community.

    I don’t see it as a colour thing, and to be honest am tired of the race card being played at every opportunity. Deep films require deep and moving performances which touch on REAL life which is hard and often traumatic. Just Wright won’t win a Golden Globe, but Precious sure did and I wasn’t mad at the movie. It touched on some truths in our community which are OFTEN swept under the carpet (A HUGE PROBLEM within our community worldwide) which is why the film was made in the first place and backed by TP and Oprah.

    It reminds me of why some black women were mad at Chris Rock for sharing our weave/relaxer secrets with the white world. Something tells me again some of us have issue with letting the world know, black people hurt, cry, go through shit, are abused, but get through it. It’s synonymous with that “let’s keep our shit behind closed doors syndrome to put on a front for white folks” we seem to possess. “We don’t want nobody to know our business.”

    This (for colored girls) is another deep film which happens to be played by a black cast. They (these type of films) get the attention and the awards.

    We’ve had comedy, action and drama made in Black Hollywood, pretty much the same movies featured by white actors get a lot of attention and buzz too.

    I don’t see white people harping on about them being shown in negative down and out light with the above movies listed. If ALL black movies were like this then I’d agree, but just like our music we have a mix, it’s just a lot of the writers and directors prefer to go the comedy route and very few chose to touch upon deeper issues.

    Whether we do comedy, drama, or any other type of film bottom line is…black folks are never satisfied to some degree, and never will be.

    To touch on SooperW0man’s point: This film is getting buzz for a few reasons. Firstly Tyler Perry has his name on it. He is now known and credible in the USA. He has the money to back it, the names to put in it and the studio of his own to film it in.

    Secondly the film is based on a play which a lot of black people worldwide are familiar with. So it got a LOT of attention the moment Tyler put his name to it, as soon as the trailer was released critics were saying ‘Oscar’ well before it’s US release date.

    Thirdly, this is the first film in history with the biggest all black female cast. Something to be proud of in my opinion.

    Finally, Tyler puts his films out through Lionsgate. They have a long standing relationship with him, they have the money to distribute and more importantly promote the film. His films have grossed them close to half a billion dollars (maybe more) already and usually peak #1 on opening weekend.

    If this film wasn’t getting any recognition or buzz, something tells me some people would be complaining about that also. “you see, black movies getting no support from the film companies.”

    Pursuit of Happyness…OK sad story but positive light based on a true story, got a TON of attention, an example of one I can think of off the top of my head, which was nominated.

    So what do my black people want to see on the screen? Seriously I’d like to know.

    I am happy for diversity in black cinema. I am glad we are no longer stuck in the 90’s living in the hood, turn to crime to find a way out that I was plagued with as a teen. It’s about time we weren’t all funny or gang banging. I’m bloody thankful for a bit of damn emotion on the screen. Maybe if we did a little more of it, we may have more Oscar contenders and winners.

  9. The only reason it is a problem is because some black people want to be like white folks and be shown like white folks.haha.. let us see where that leads us. The funniest thing i read was when some were saying that precious was racist. I mean why, why, oh why? So, a black movie, done and acted and directed by folks, promoted by black folks and cosigned by folks, becomes racist? How? Sometimes i just don’t get it, but me and this movie have a date, God willing. LOL!

  10. The comments here remind of the TEAMUK supporters on twitter!! I will be watching this to see if it as good as the book I read many times as a teen. I will watch this film the same way I watch any film. Its just a movie. Not a black movie or a white movie, just a movie, then when the credits roll I will decided if I like it or not, regardless of the race of the characters, or director. However, if something racial jumps out at me, I will comment on it as is my right. FOR EXAMPLE: I HATE most of the Tyler Perry movies i’ve seen for the simple fact that as a gay man he feels he has the right to emasculate the men in every movie. Strong male characters are seriously lacking in his movies. Now he has admitted to being molested as a child it makes sense, but seeing as people see him as the premier BLACK filmmaker it is also damaging (in my humble opinion.) I also hate Quinton Tarrentino’s portryal of black males in his movies. I didnt like Halle Berry winning an oscar for monsters ball either…. I liked Precious though. Am I still a hater? Anyway!

  11. melissadelicious :
    but seeing as people see him as the premier BLACK filmmaker it is also damaging (in my humble opinion.)

    People see him as the premier black filmaker because he’s busy making films, tv shows and plays. It’s like you saying people see Barack Obama as the leader of the USA. It is what it is. There in your face fact!

    Like I stated earlier a bunch of black filmakers who were prominent in the 90’s, where are they. Spike Lee was the premier black filmaker of the late 80’s early 90’s because he really was making the films, getting the distributed and people of all races were flocking to see them.

    It’s no fault of these filmakers Lee and Perry. The problem is on the indie film circuit and Hollywood film circuit there is no one making their mark and making a variety of films.

    Hughes Brothes, Spike Lee, John Singleton, Mario Van Peebles dominated black cinema to a point it crossed over easily into mainstream with cinema releases outside of the US. We had it once and as time has gone on…it’s gone into reverse. I can understand why people are tired of TP films and some may not like them, to each their own. Bottom line is, he’s gonna make his type of film regardless and if he’s the main one doing it then comes the apperance of over saturation. There’s nothing to fill in the gaps between his releases from other film makers. (if that’s what you mean by damaging *too much of one type of film from one person????*)

    Bout time people started demanding more films from other sources, cause it doesn’t look like TP is gonna stop anytime soon.

    I’m gonna take a peek at the filmakers I just listed on IMDB and see what they’ve been up to and what they have coming out (if anything)

  12. I mean damaging because his films have a huge audience. His demographic is black women and his films constantly throw black men under the bus under the guise of empowerment. It’s like he’s doing white hollywood’s job for them, is it any wonder he is so successful. It is a well known fact that Spike Lee had to fight tooth and nail to get funding for his movies. Janet Jackson, Oprah, Bill Cosby and Quincy Jones (I think) funded Malcolm X because no studio would give him the money to make it. If he had a myriad of degrading characters in that movie it would not have been a problem. Dave Chappelle is arguably one of the best comics ever but he has yet to be cast in a major movie – he famously told the story about them wanting him to wear a dress in the movie because all the ‘greats’ did it and it would be good for his career. He refused and where is he now. If you look at black comics in the UK its like they only get onto TV if they wear a friggin dress (Kojo being the latest to indulge in this coonery) Bear in mind the white comedians that do this are actual DRAG QUEENS!!! Tyler Perry is busy making movies while the others fight to get major studio backing and that is good for him, but I dont have to like his reasons or his methods just because no other black filmmaker is successful at the moment. This is the same poor excuse for championing Noel Clarke’s success even though his movies show black males as gun toting, drug dealing, inarticulate jailbird thugs. That’s like feeding a hungry man shit. As hungry as he is he still won’t eat it unless he’s deseperate. Hungry and desperate are poles apart.

  13. Wow I love when i read a response that someone has written…and it has passion. A lot of these responses on this site tend to be so basic. But this one topic has many thinking and going deep with how and why they feel the way they feel…and i love it! Firstly i will just say i love Tyler Perry films. Some may not and it’s OK! And for me to a point it is about race…and I’m fine with that. What i mean by that is…that i love to support good Black movies. And you have to know that everything that is done in this world has a lot to do with race. And if you really don’t see that then you need to open your eyes. This world was founded on race. Or shall i say built up on race…hell i hope you get my! Hell not sure if i get my! We live in a post racial society….so come on people. Yeah we would love if it were not so…but don’t you ever fool yourself into thinking that it is not….Yes i said Black movies i make no excuse for that it is what it is. I like a movie with an all Black cast. When i see one coming out i smile because i love seeing our people. I say that because as i have said before if we don’t support our Black films…..who will!!! Not white folks…and if you think they will you are mistaken. As i always do when a Black film comes out…i scan the theater to see who is in the place. And i will say there is not any white folks in there. And I’m OK with that but i say to myself we… meaning Black people will support a white cast in a movies…weather it is a good movie or a bad movie. But they will not come out and support a Black cast movie… Now i see it like this…Black folks will never be satisfied….and that’s a good thing in a way. But i question why we bitch and complain about Black movies so. Mostly because we have nothing better else to do or say. We bitch and complain when there are no Black movies. We bitch and complain when there are Black movies. Basically because they don’t portray us the way we want to be seen by the white world. It comes down to how you want the white world to look at us. Only because you care what they think about us! I don’t give a shit with what the white world thinks of Black people. Because no matter what happens…they will never and i said never see us the way we really are. They will always see us as the N word for the most part. I remember Oprah saying once that no matter how much she may achieve..people will still just see her as just a Black woman and not an equal. Someone Please tell me of any other Black filmmaker making films about us these days? I don;t think you will be able to tell me of any. The point is…remember we are not just one dimensional people. We have minds of our own and we think the way we think for many reasons. But what i would like to see is more support for one another. Just go see the movie …..then get back..

  14. Yeah, it reminds me of something i read about slaves awhile ago. Where they said that black slaves back in the day suffered from schizophrenic tendencies. Because they always had to put on an act when infront of the white slave masters and pretend to be fine and serve with a smile, yet when they went back home, or when the white slave masters were out of sight, they showed their true anger and emotions on how they really felt about things and how they were beng treated. Looks like we still have a long way to get break this habit. Having said that, it applies to the other in a different light.

  15. I am really looking forward to seeing this film, it looks totally compelling and the performances looks great. I don’t care what anyone says, I really like Tyler Perry.

  16. I have just read all the comments and I have a few things to add. Tyler Perry may not be everyone’s cup of tea but the fact is that he is getting our stories out there and lo behold giving Black actors and technical staff work. This Tyler Perry bashing amazes me; I hear all sorts of reasons why people dislike him – he emasculates Black men in all his films, he never shows Black women as being happy, he is not a trained film maker, he dresses up in dresses. I think it is the latter comment that bothers a lot of people. As for Tyler emasculating men in his film, he features strong Black men in a lot of his projects such as Shemar Moore in Diary of an Angry Black Woman and Boris Kodjoe’s character in Madea’s Famlly Reunon – their characters were not only strong but supportive and loving but I guess some people only see the bad and not the good.

    I seem to recall Spike Lee getting a lot of stick back in 90s when he was making his way so I was really surprised to hear him putting Tyler down. I thought he would know better. I do believe a lot of it is jealousy; Tyler is very successful, rich and powerful and has made the films he wants without cowing to Hollywood. So what if white people do not get his films, on opening night his movies have Black people queuing up to see them. I agree with London Diva, Black people complain when we are not in films and Black people complain when we are.

    On a positive note there are some talented Black film makers out there such as Reggie Bythewood who made Byker Boyz and he has a film coming out, his wife, Gina Prince-Bythewood who made The Secret Life of Beas, Sanaa Hamri who made Something New and Just Wright, Rick Famuyiwa who made The Wood and Brown Sugar and is supposed to be directing the sequel to Waiting to Exhale and of course there is Will Packer who brought us Takers, This Christmas and Stomp the Yard. A mixture of Black film makers who have a varied body of work. Did anyone go and see these films?

    I have said it again and I will say it one more time – I am SICK of the Tyler Perry bashing!! The man is just making films that he believes in so back off!

  17. Why is it that whenever you dont like soemthing in the black community they come out with white people and jealousy as the main reasons. Take both of those ridiculous notions away and I still dont like them!

    I was sick for 3 days and watched every TP film I could online during that time and not once did I not KMT at the characters. Because he puts 2 good black characters in 15 films doesn’t mean it’s ok, well it may be to you, but my standards are set higher. Why Did I get married/too had 1 decent male character. But is it ok that most of the rest of the characters were black stereotypes? I expect a lot from my people especially when in positions of power and when you sacrifice others to get yourself a position i dont respect that. Yes he’s giving black actors jobs, so are a lot of other black filmmakers who do not get general release for their films because they do not have the same jacked up black characters that TP puts in his. Spike Lee got stick beacuse he was telling stories that black people didnt want him to tell, like the colour issues in School Days or Jungle Fever. He never bowed to white hollywood. Never! Tyler Perry films are not telling black people’s stories, The storylines in his fims can be found in any Eric Jerome Dickey book, they’re telling HIS stories. The ones of his childhood where black men were all gay and effiminate and touching on him. It’s clear he hates black men, but im not paying him to watch that shit, if I wanna see people hating on black men i just go outside my house!

    I dont complain when we are not in white people films because i couldnt give a shit what white people do, but if you are a black filmmaker making black films for black people, as you all say TP is, then you have a RESPONSIBILITY to show us in a positive light most of the time. Because if we don’t do it then no one else will as someone else said. You may not have a problem with black men in dresses, but many of us do especially when that character is repeated more than a black man as a lawyer or doctor or good father.

    Historically the black man in movies has been the slave, waiter, hired help, rapist, monster, thug, drug dealer, the wise talking side kick, the trouble youth saved by the white good samaritan, the cheater, the player, the serial baby father, the first one to be killed in horror movies, the cross dresser, the wise talking neck snapping homosexual etc at the hands of white people. Then when a black man gets himself into a postion where his films, with all black casts are seen by million he makes the black man all those things too with his best character being a drag queen!? And thats ok with you all? GTFOH

    P.S I have seen all of the films you mentioned above apart from stomp the yard because I hate dance movies, but I bought the DVD for my kids, and Takers! I watch/buy support black films from the US and UK so I have a right to say I dont like something.

  18. Well, if the stories are telling HIS stories, then they are his stories, not representing everyone. Ok, they are being acted by black men. And it is a known fact, black men are vocally homophobic, and living with fear in the closet. Who is going to tell TP’s stories then?

  19. lati :Well, if the stories are telling HIS stories, then they are his stories, not representing everyone. Ok, they are being acted by black men. And it is a known fact, black men are vocally homophobic, and living with fear in the closet. Who is going to tell TP’s stories then?

    Correct me if I’m wrong, and I’ve seen every TP film with the exception of For Colored Girls, but he’s never touched on homosexuality in his films. Only heterosexual relationships.

  20. ‘Tyler Perry films are not telling black people’s stories, The storylines in his fims can be found in any Eric Jerome Dickey book, they’re telling HIS stories. The ones of his childhood where black men were all gay and effiminate and touching on him. It’s clear he hates black men, but im not paying him to watch that shit, if I wanna see people hating on black men i just go outside my house!’

    @ London Diva, my reaction came from that statement. And what i was trying to say is that if those are the stories he wants and has to tell, let him tell them.

  21. What inna di??? I treat everyone as intelligent/respect their opinion, until they do/say something to dispell that. Case in point.

    melissadelicious :Because he puts 2 good black characters in 15 films doesn’t mean it’s ok, well it may be to you, but my standards are set higher. Why Did I get married/too had 1 decent male character. But is it ok that most of the rest of the characters were black stereotypes?

    I had to stop reading after this. I can’t go any further in reading because you’re actually JUST MAKING THIS UP as you go along. I can agree to disagree in any discussion/debate, people are WELL WITHIN their rights to like/dislike anything they choose,but PLEASE state facts because I’m not even taking your point seriously.

    Those are NOT facts, but if you think out of the WHOLE male lead cast of WDIGM/WDIGM2 there was only ONE DECENT black man, and 2 out of 15 films (which he hasn’t even made) you either (a) have a very low opinion on what makes a DECENT black man when it comes to being represented on screen and possibly in real life and (b) are very deluded.

    One DECENT black man? Two good black men in 15 films? C’mon stop frontin, you ain’t never seen no TP film. If you want I can add to OndoLady’s list and name some more for you, but maybe they aren’t good black men by your standards.

    Black sterotypes in WDIGM like who and what exactly? Working men with homes, wives, children and careers??? *CUE SARCASM* Yes sterotypes of professional black men and women who were lawyers, doctors and business owners vacationing in the Caribbean. Maybe your ideal of an on screen decent black man is one who gets himself out of a hood situation by gang banging and making babies along the way.

    I’m laughing cause like I said, healthy debates and discussions I can get with whether folks agree or not is cool. People making stuff up just to sound somewhat relevant to the topic. I can’t. **Time out sign**

  22. lati : It’s clear he hates black men, but im not paying him to watch that shit, if I wanna see people hating on black men i just go outside my house!’

    Are you talking about black men as abusers and molesters or black men in general?

    If the latter, why does he do so much for black men by employing them in front of and behind the camera, and on his staff? Why go out of your way to help who you hate? Makes no sense to me. That statement I cannot fathom.

  23. Ondo Lady :
    On a positive note there are some talented Black film makers out there such as Reggie Bythewood who made Byker Boyz and he has a film coming out, his wife, Gina Prince-Bythewood who made The Secret Life of Beas, Sanaa Hamri who made Something New and Just Wright, Rick Famuyiwa who made The Wood and Brown Sugar and is supposed to be directing the sequel to Waiting to Exhale and of course there is Will Packer who brought us Takers, This Christmas and Stomp the Yard. A mixture of Black film makers who have a varied body of work. Did anyone go and see these films?

    To answer your question yes (with the exception of This Christmas) and have a lot of em in my DVD collection. Heard of some of these filmakers, not all of them.

    Troy Beyer
    F.Gary Gary

    Spring to mind also.

    But it’s always something. I remember in Brown Sugar some black women were pissed Nicole Ari Parker’s character had to the play the bitch, as they felt light skinned black women usually got the short end of the stick being typecast like this.

    **rolls eyes way way to the back of my head**

  24. hahaha @ LondonDiva i didn’t make that statement, i got it from the comment above. But my reaction mainly came from the gay bit. Where it is well known many black men and gay, don’t go hand in hand infact, black people in general have issues with gays. So i was saying, if he told that story, it is not like he would be lying. LOL

    Ummmmm, to say that all black men are abusers and molesters would be the same as saying my dad or brothers are that, and ummmmmm i don’t think so, i wouldn’t even take it seriously or kindly. LOL

    Exactly, why is he employing all those black handsome men if he hates them so much. Mellisa delicious, please enlighten us. LOL!

  25. lati :hahaha @ LondonDiva i didn’t make that statement, i got it from the comment above. But my reaction mainly came from the gay bit. Where it is well known many black men and gay, don’t go hand in hand infact, black people in general have issues with gays. So i was saying, if he told that story, it is not like he would be lying. LOL
    Ummmmm, to say that all black men are abusers and molesters would be the same as saying my dad or brothers are that, and ummmmmm i don’t think so, i wouldn’t even take it seriously or kindly. LOL
    Exactly, why is he employing all those black handsome men if he hates them so much. Mellisa delicious, please enlighten us. LOL!

    Ahhhh I see….as you saw what I wrote, I stopped reading at a certain point, and skimmed through anything prior. It seems to have gotten more ridiculous.

  26. Seriously girls calm down. I mentioned 2 good ‘men’ because there were only 2 references made in the above comments. In WDIGM the cheating husband with the fat wife with low self esteem, the loud smart talking woman, the relationship expert whose own relationship is messed up? Sorry if you haven’t seen those characters in black films before, two can play that game had a few though! I didn’t say anything about black ‘men’ being avatars, or TP lying about his experiences but my view that he hates black men and reflects this in his movies is a common one. It may not be a conscious decision to do this but is there to see.

    @londondiva if I only saw one decent man in that movie where u saw several then maybe you are the one with a low opinion. Just having a good job doesn’t make any man decent and that was all TP could use to make them decent – money & status. There was no depth there at all.

    My apologies if he hasn’t made 15 films, please correct that number if you don’t like it.

    With Spike Lee the experiences from his past were played out in his filmmaking in a good way. For me Tyler Perry’s films are repetitive and stereotypical. Even films without decent characters like boys in the hood for instance had depth with characters you could feel, hate or sympathise with. Tyler perry’s films and characters are dead!

    If you want to recommend a TP film without him in drag, or the same old characters please do, because I haven’t watched one yet!

    @Lati he isn’t putting out these films as ‘his’ stories. These are from what I understand from watching his interviews, supposed to empower black women and show black characters in a positive light. But if so many people like Terry Macmillan for example disagree it can’t be just my imagination.

    Tyler Perry needs to write a book, get all that stuff out then make a movie.

    ‘If he hates black ‘men’ why does he employ them’ Really!? C’mon!!

  27. Oooh, i see what you mean MellisaD.

    I really don’t know about movies empowering people. They can empower up coming actors and actresses and encourage them to pursue their acting careers, but for me movies don’t have that kind of impact on me, i just like a good story line or pure comedy and seeing black folks actually getting employed. Maybe if they get employed and have their movies up for exposure, that would be more empowering.

    Now am all hyped up for this movie. LOL

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November 2010