London based KICC founder Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo

Via The Africa Chronicles

Pastors are no longer solely interested in getting people to Heaven; they’ve devised intelligent ways to make good money while reaching out to souls.

Today, pastors fly around in private jets, drive fancy cars like Daimlers, Porsches and BMWs, don Rolexes and Patek Phillipes, and own breathtaking mansions all over the world. Continue Reading…

It just makes my blood boil. I have no time for these mega-rich, highly suspect, slippery pastors. Their parishioners need to WAKE UP!


[Thanks Karl Nova]

14 replies »

  1. I’m glad that men and women of God can teach the word of God and be prosperous. No one complains about “Celebrities” such as Rappers, NBA and NFL players, along with the other elite society sector, living lavishing lifestyles. As soon as a Pastor of a church is prosperous something is wrong with that. Well I’m glad my Pastor is prosperous and under him I am learning the word of God he teaches Living Holy, getting saved, adultery, murder, love, peace, joy and happiness along with prosperity. Prosperity doesn’t mean “money” alone but being prosperous in all areas of your life. If he had holes in his shoes and driving a beat up car how could he tell me that the God he serves is good. I like nice things, I love my family and I enjoy having finances to enjoy my life that God has blessed me to live. I know there may be some that are really pimping the pulpit but I’m not the judge, only God is. Everyone need money to live, don’t fake the funk people. Money is on it’s feet looking for me right now and I will gladly accept because the only way I can pay my bills is with money.

  2. When I see one of these pastors on TV or whatever, I don’t automatically assume they are shady. I don’t have a problem with pastors getting rich via business or media interests wether related to the church or not.

    But I DO have a BIG problem with so-called pastors hoovering up their congregation’s money week in and week out for the sole reason of funding their own opulent lifestyles, while the same congregation struggle to make ends meet. I mean the pastor living in a marble and gold mansion & driving around in Bentleys, while there are members of the congregation giving their last penny is just obscene. It just makes me think that the shady pastors don’t really believe that their reward will be in heaven and so they are trying to have it now.

  3. I feel sorry for how brainwashed the first commenter is.

    In nigeria where most of the congregation are poor it CANNOT be justified in THAT economy that a Pastor who is supposed to represent Jesus the one who was meek and lowly has FOUR private jets and lives off the backs of those poor people “sowing” into the life of a so called “man of God” who is peddling a faulty theology.

    If you think THAT is the gospel you are not following Christ and your god is mammon. To even compare it to a “celebrity” who doesn’t claim to represent God or Christ shows how off you are in your thinking

    No one is saying preachers should be broke but this prosperity gospel they peddle and this opulent lifestyle CANNOT be justified especially in THAT corrupt economy and with their faulty theology.

    WAKE UP!

  4. Yeah, something is wrong with that. The pastor is supposed to feed the flock, not fleece and rinse out the flock( Jeremiah 23, Ezekiel 34). All these pastor are pimps, what defines the word of the Most High? They teach garbage, nonsense and foolishness and hold it up as precious mother’s milk as if it has been handed down straight from heaven. Why aren’t any of these pastors teaching the so called Negro who he really is according to the scriptures and ancestral bloodline, hmm?

    These preachers are all tossers, reprobates and physicians of no value. I have to keep on reiterating this point, in order to find truth you must leave the church. Those churches that do actually teach true knowledge are very few and far between and you won’t find them on the God channel along side pimps like TD Jakes, “Bishop Eddie Long(Sodomite), Creflo Dollar(which really stands for “Create A Flow Of Dollars” – you couldn’t make this stuff up), Matthew Ashimolowo, Kenneth Copeland(33rd Degree Mason), Benny Hinn(who likes to throw up devil signs at people), Paul Croutch and his abominable specimen of a wife etc.

    How can you even to begin to compare pulpit pimps with NBA and NFL players? Christ stated in Matt 10:8 which reads:

    10:8 Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: FREELY YOU HAVE RECEIVED, FREELY GIVE.

    I would still like to know what prosperity Christ preached. What house did Christ have? You aren’t learning the word of the Most High, you are just being taught circular nonsense which is held in high esteem by foolish men. There is absolutely no justification for the lifestyles of these clowns, people just need to call it out as it is and not adhere to this pc crap.

    The Most High has already judged these ecclesiastical pimps, it is already written in the scriptures what will happen to the majority of them. Somebody just repeating the message is not judging. You institutional church members always like to pull the “you can’t judge, only God can” card yet had you read the very same book that you claim to uphold, you would have come across numerous scriptures in which these pulpit scammers already have their judgement set. Wake up!

  5. My God! Creflo Dollar = Creating A Flow Of Dollars?! The nerve and cheek!! You really couldn’t make this up even if you tried!

    Anyway, Mathew Ashimolo preaches prosperity gospel,FACT! He’s all about “wealth this,money that ,finance this,rich that”.. This is what he said on TV a few years ago (back when i was hooked on God Channel) :

    “If you give $10 ,you’ll receive ten blessings. If you give $100,you’ll receive one hundred blessings.If you give $1000,you’ll recieve a thousand blessings..In Jesus you see,the more you give the more blessings you’ll receive”. Unbelievable!

    I saw him say this on TV!!!! I’m 100% certain it was him because his head was stuck to the body that said these things.

    Black churches (especially) have turned into business conventions and “christian” dating agencies! They sell all kinds of stuff ranging from booklets, DVDs, CDs, T-shirts etc etc.

    Over the years, the churches (especially black) all seem to focus too much on the devil.”The devil this the devil that”..Nothing educational about Christ and what it means being a christian in general. The pastors scare the crap out of people. I nearly crapped myself with fear the last time i went to church. It was horror from beginning to end. Women screaming,people falling all over the place, babies crying and pastors shouting and screaming down the bloody microphone! Then you’ve got those that shout,”AMEN!”,each and everytime the pastor says something. It was chaos, chaos and chaos.

    I attended my little niece’s church the other day. Their school was having a church service and i decided i’d go and see things. It was LOVELY and peaceful.Absolute magic… I swear to God i felt as if Jesus was in there smiling with me,loving the vibe. Nobody scared anybody. No one talked about the devil, witches,wizards,money,visa applications,cars,bank accounts,thousand blessings etc. When the pastor asked for a money, he told us exactly what he wanted to do with the money. The church had plans to build a school in a small village in Uganda. They had done various other things in that village before.I donated £10. I know the pastor is NOT going to drive around in a Rolls Royce or wear expensive clothes designed by homosexuals. Infact i know where the pastor lives and i regularly see him walking.

  6. Gary its not just a black thing. The caucasoid pastors make double what these guys make.

  7. @ Gary aka Gza

    “The pastors scare the crap out of people. I nearly crapped myself with fear the last time i went to church. It was horror from beginning to end. Women screaming,people falling all over the place, babies crying and pastors shouting and screaming down the bloody microphone! Then you’ve got those that shout,”AMEN!”,each and everytime the pastor says something. It was chaos, chaos and chaos. ”


  8. @Gary

    I believe Ol Create A Flow Of Dollars now has a cash machine installed at his church so the congregational members have no excuses not to give up the readies. That riot of a church you attended sounds like a true nightmare but is typical. I have still yet to find the format of the way churches operate today, in the scriptures. Black churches are a complete mess however Melissa is correct when she states that the European churches are on the same scams and the same chaotic devilish church services. Lets have a look at some of the madness you experienced but from a European church perspective:

  9. On behalf of Prophet T.B. Joshua and The SCOAN:

    We have been informed of the many recent articles on the internet stating that Prophet T.B. Joshua is one of Nigeria’s richest pastors. We have a few words to say on the issue.

    First, we do not understand how those involved came to their conclusions. There are many who are wealthy in Nigeria and around the world and there is nothing at all wrong with having money. Money is a gift and the richest have that blessing. But we are not among them.

    Since the inception of this ministry we have given out all we received from God’s generous hands. We have made it our daily habit to give to those in need – the widows, widowers, physically challenged, little people, fatherless and rejected in society. All of this can be seen on Emmanuel TV – a station established to change lives, change nations and change the world by examples of how to spend more on others and less on ourselves.

    We therefore cannot be categorized among the wealthiest in Nigeria because what money we receive is not accumulated but rather given out to those who need it most. Apart from money, assets that classify one among the wealthiest are not in our possession. For example, houses around the world or private jets. It is true, we do not own a private jet – not that there is anything wrong with owning one. They are a blessing and can be used to further the Gospel. But we do not own one.

    In the light of these truths, we ask that the articles stating us among the wealthiest pastors in Nigeria be retracted, please. We are simply not among.

    There is not enough to keep for tomorrow. As it comes, we give it for the needy.

    Please take your time to do your investigation on the facts we have given to you. What you publish is true, if we keep the money or save the money. The money is given to the needy.

    We are definitely not among the wealthiest in Nigeria. Take note, we are not against the wealthy or the richest or having private jets, assets or houses all over the world. We are definitely not among because there is not enough to keep.

    Please put your record right for posterity and for the good name of your paper.

    The SCOAN

  10. Whats the difference between a rapper and a pastor who spends lavishly? Prosperity is good but should also be managed wisely and not for show off…….

  11. @ The Scoan

    All this but you still won’t tell the so called black man that he is really the true Hebrew that is spoken of in the scriptures and that the people living in Israel today are a bunch of imposters and not the people of the Most High. Emmanuel TV, TBN, God Channel etc, you are all full of the same bunkum. Teach the so called black man about his TRUE heritage first and stop telling him that he is a gentile and an outsider of the scriptures. Rinsing out Nigerians for cash day after day but you won’t tell them that their original heritage is as Israelites. Save the defence speech for the ignorant and foolish.

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June 2011